Thursday, February 3, 2011

Graylisting - Why is some Email taking so long?

Effective January 2011, Email to all Engineering students (and many faculty and staff) has been going through IST's mail cluster.  There is an article in the February 2nd 2011 Iron Warrior explaining that in more detail.

The cluster uses a system called graylising to try to reduce spam.  Graylisting uses a strategy of delaying Email to see if the sender is probably more legitiamte than many primative spammers.

In my experience, Graylisting has some limited success but at the cost of timeliness.  Email from an offsite address that hasn't written to you in the last seven days will often be delayed, either minutes, hours, days, or sometimes the mail will be lost due to graylisting.

Friends may become upset they can't reach you, or may make lunch dates that you don't know about.  Several people in Engineering Computing ran into problems when we were first subjected to graylisting.

Graylisting doesn't approach the level of spam control on gmail. 

If you expect Email to be delivered in seconds, you will want graylisting turned off for your account.  You can do that by visiting:


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